Thursday, May 13, 2010

Favorite Children's Books

Show Us Your Life with Kelly's KornerWell, this Show Us Your Life topic is a teacher's dream! I LOVE to read. I can remember when I was younger just getting lost in books. I too loved the Little House Books. And recently, Cynthia Rylant rewrote manuscripts that Laura Ingalls Wilder had originally written about her brother that died, Freddie. To me, that was the missing piece of the puzzle. This book is called Old Town in the Green Groves. It also tells about when Grace is born.

I also loved the Bobbsey Twins and The Boxcar Children. Currently at my house, the most popular books for my 3 year old are: The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Brown Bear Brown Bear, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, and The Very Busy Spider. All of these books are ones that your children will see when they enter school! You may not realize that by simply exposing your child to a variety of books and print, you are opening up an entirely new world for them! Concepts of print are one of the most important skills that your child will ever learn such as: Left to right, return sweep on pages with more than one line, turning the page, VOCABULARY, the possibilities are endless.

And as for Kelly saying that she loves Anne of Green Gables. Kelly, when they do the marathons on PBS, where they show the Anne of Greene Gables movies, my husband gives up on me doing anything that day. If Matthew had been a girl, his name would've been Jordan Anne, because Anne without an "e" is JUST dreadful!


  1. I love anne of greene gables! A classic!

  2. I love those Anne of Green Gables movies! I could easily just watch them over and over


About Me

I have been married to Brian for 17 years and we have 3 children, Brandon 21, Brooke 14 and Matthew 6. (Yeah, we know how to spread them out!) I teach third grade, love my Cricut and am addicted to Pinterest!