Monday, May 10, 2010

Soccer Wedding and PROM!

We had another full weekend! The girls made it to the Elite 8, so Brian and I ran the concession stand while the girls' moms watched the game. They lost 3-0 and it was heartbreaking. They played SO hard!
Shortly after we left, we ran to pick up Shelby's prom flowers and got stuck at a grass fire (where else would we be on a Saturday?) I made it home just in time to change and go to shoot a wedding at First Methodist. Below is one of the pictures, to see more you can go to the photography blog. By the time I got home, Brian had Brandon dressed and ready so we went to meet them to take pictures for prom. I made it through without crying, it seems crazy to be taking prom pictures while at the same time convincing your 3 year old that he does NOT need to step into the lake at ABAC. We have truly lost our mind. Poor Brandon and Shelby, the air in his truck went out, so we had to meet them downtown at the Bank of America drive through to swap trucks because it was POURING! Shelby looked like she was about to cry. Luckily, it stopped raining and we ran to ABAC real quick to get some pictures.
Sunday, we played in both services then went to LeiAnn's house to eat Mother's Day/Birthday lunch. Mr. Mason came and it was nice to see him laugh. It has been such a hard year for them and I could tell that Todd really missed his dad as well as his grandma. I guess it was really the first time that we had all been together since they both died.

OH! And the best Mother's Day news: Brian and Elizabeth had their baby! And he has a name! Chandler Rheys Cromer was born early Sunday morning. I have not gotten my hands on him yet! He has been in the level II nursery as a precaution but when his dad talked to his earlier, they had him in the room with them.

For awhile Sunday I could not put my finger on why I had fallen in such a funk. It was during "Where Joy and Sorrow Meet" in church that I realized that if our first baby had lived, he would be 11 right now. While I am sure that I would not have delivered him ON his due date of May 9th, which ironically that year, was also Mother's Day because with BOTH pregnancies I have never made it past 36 weeks, it was still hard. And yes, I said HE because after we lost him, I wanted to know what the reason was, so we had some testing done. And 11 years later I can finally admit that what they found was some sort of infection in my placenta that caused me to miscarry at 13 weeks. With Matthew I was on antibiotics almost the entire time to prevent the same thing. For some reason with me, things cross over the placenta even though they are not supposed to. Poor Matthew got a mega dose of Magnesium Sulfate that almost killed him.

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About Me

I have been married to Brian for 17 years and we have 3 children, Brandon 21, Brooke 14 and Matthew 6. (Yeah, we know how to spread them out!) I teach third grade, love my Cricut and am addicted to Pinterest!